Travel is my pathway to freedom and nature is my spiritual temple where I connect with the beauty of life. Breathtaking sunrises and sunsets thrilled me in Baja Mexico where I spent a long weekend in early March with my dad and step-mom. If you’d like to see more on the beauty click to my
Laurel Bookstore Reading of Behind Barbed Eyes
We had a wonderful show out to the
reading of Behind Barbed Eyes
at the new
Laurel Bookstore in
Oakland, CA where I got to see many Bay Area friends and marriage equality activists who I’ve missed so much since I relocated to Los Angeles almost five years ago. People loved the readings, though I struggled to act out all the parts with a cast of one. LOL!
We also discussed how to provide more mental health and healing services to reduce incarceration.
Here’s the most recent 5 star review of Behind Barbed Eyes from a reader in Boulder, Co.
“This story took me by surprise… I loved the multiple story lines and how they were intertwined, I was impressed with how details were kept back until they could be unveiled in a real impactful way. This book is a really good read and while not autobiographical, it’s definitely based on experience and the reality of prison life.”
If you’ve read the book I’d love it if you’d review the book on Good Reads and/or Amazon. Every review counts. Thanks in advance!
You can still get a signed copy from me or you can get your copy of the novel from Amazon, B&N or IndieBound.
Convergence Healing Meets Courageous Heart
Last month I was the featured speaker on the Convergence Healing Podcast with Peter Bedard on Healing Shame and Being True to Yourself.
Peter says, “I’m so excited to share the work of the super cool Dr. Davina Kotulski! If you’ve ever wanted to heal shame, raise your vibration, and learn about Affirmative Prayer then listen up!”