Dear One,
Please don’t give up on your dreams. Even the ones that seem impossible. Even the ones that are taking forever! Keep visualizing your dreams coming true and keep taking action on your dreams every day! Some dreams just take a little longer.
Twenty years ago I traveled to Venice Italy for the first time. I fell in love with the beauty of Venice- the canals, the architecture, the cafes. I felt a calling to return and write a novel that took place in Venice.
So I did.
I saved up my money for 3 years, enrolled in a a novel writing class, and then in 2006, I returned for a 3 week personal writing retreat. It was the most decadent thing I’d ever done and it was life changing. Fate intervened and I met wonderful people and was able to return again in 2008.
From 2011-2017, I hosted weeklong Seduce Your Muse writing retreats in Venice to help other writers with their books and to hone the details of my novel.
My non-fiction books were easier to write. They came quicker.
It’s taken me 20 years to see this goal through and I’m excited to share with you the upcoming publication of my second novel: Flowers for Sara.
It’s an LGBTQ Romance with a twist!
Dani Riman is the ultimate lesbian Casanova.
Dani may have trouble writing her novel, but she doesn’t have any problems getting beautiful women to sleep with her, that is until she travels to Venice, Italy, the City of Love and Romance, and meets Sara, a poetess and tour guide. That’s when all bets are off!
Dani, a twenty-five-year-old, attractive, boyish, nonbinary Casanova type, goes to Venice, Italy, to finish her novel and prove (at least to herself and her best friend, Veronica) that she’s not a loser and is the writer she’s always dreamed of being. But instead of focusing on her writing, she gets caught up chasing a hard-to-get tour guide obsessed with Venetian history.
A coming of age story that promises laughs, romance, beautiful scenery and a few historical facts.
Stay tuned to get a FREE CHAPTER and to find out when you can pre-order your Kindle, E-PUB and/or paperback version of the book.
In the meantime, I want to share this interview I did with Open Mind Night Podcast on Coming Out and Being Out and Proud. Click here to listen on Apple Podcasts or the picture below to go to Apple Podcast. Feel free to share with anyone who is coming out or anyone who has a loved one who is coming out.
The interview is full of helpful tips and suggestions.
Thank you for joining me on this journey!