Do you know why we don’t live authentic lives we love: engage in work that makes us happy, enjoy satisfying relationships, speak our truth and follow our bliss? —Because we are afraid!
We let fear stop us from following our hearts. It’s hard to hear, let alone listen, to our own voice when those of society, friends, and family are blaring in our head. We may find ourselves pleasing others at our own expense, afraid that if we pursue our own happiness it will hurt others.
Well, I’m saying “no more.” I’m calling bullshit on that. I help people reclaim their personal power and live a life of joy and freedom.
My book It’s Never Too Late To Be Your Self will show you how to move through fear and confusion and create a life that honors your authentic, self-expression, which is the only path to EVER feeling fulfilled.
In this book, you’ll be guided step by step to:
- Reconnect with your true essence and what really matters
- Listen to your inner wisdom
- Move forward in the face of fear and other obstacles
- Commit to your dreams and take back your life!
Get your copy and change your life!
It’s Never Too Late To Be Your Self: Follow Your Inner Compass and Take Back Your Life
Nautilus Award Winner 2018, Finalist International Book Awards for Inspirational Self Help Books 2019, Readers’ Choice Five Star Book 2019, and Finalist in the category of Motivational Self-Help Books in the 2020 Next Generation Indie Book Awards.

Reader’s Choice Five Star Review
It’s Never Too Late to Be Your Self: Follow Your Inner Compass and Take Back Your Life by Davina Kotulski is a powerful book on personal development, one that offers tools and secrets to unlocking the doors to personal fulfillment, growth, and success, and it is well-crafted for contemporary readers.
It’s Never Too Late to Be Your Self is a book I found to be very edifying, packed with wisdom and insight, one of those books to read or listen to and pass on. Most people are not satisfied with the life they are living because they are disconnected from themselves. They spend their lives chasing ideas, values and dreams suggested to them by our eclectic culture, struggling to meet standards set by others.
In this book, the author shares the wisdom that readers need to reconnect with their deepest desires and feel at one with themselves because it is only then that they can live with truth and authenticity. This book shows why we need to use our inner compass to identify what we truly need, our desires, and how to use them to create success and purpose.
Davina Kotulski observes that: “Many of us have an objection to feeling joyous. Something in us resists feeling wonderful, resists the fullness of life. We feel there’s something flawed about us, something not quite right about who we are. Religious doctrine has contributed to this. For some people, this feeling is familiar and therefore comfortable.”
This book helps readers turn things around, empowering them to overcome their internal resistance to growth, joy, and happiness, and providing actionable steps to learn to listen to themselves, to take control of their dreams, and to find tools that help them beat fear and obstacles on the way.
Narrated in a voice that is down to earth and engaging, in a style that connects with readers, allowing a heart to heart conversation, this is an audiobook to have in your car and in your home. The words are filled with power and that energy is communicated in the confident and clear voice of the narrator.
Now Available as an Award Winning Audiobook on Audible!
With over twenty-five years of experience working with people to transform their lives, I’ve grappled with the question of why so many people settle for living inauthentic lives while others have made incredible changes and created lives that are meaningful and fulfilling.
I’ve marveled at how some people get stuck in ruts and continue on in unsatisfying relationships and jobs that suck the marrow from their lives, while others are doing the work to pursue their dreams. Many people take chances and fail because they haven’t adequately prepared themselves for change. Or they think that their success should instantly materialize and so they spend money on gimmicks or programs and then give up. I know that if they’d had adequate support and expectations they would have navigated their changes more successfully.
With this book, you can discover how to avoid making those same mistakes, by following the guidance and experience I’ve had helping people manage transitions to create transformation in their lives.