Past Life Regression

Edit”Past Life Regression

Past Life Regression

I am certified in Past Life Regression with Dr. Brian Weiss of the Weiss Institute.   The regression includes time getting acquainted, preparing for the regression, the guided regression, and time to discuss what comes up in the regression.

You can book a PLR session below or you can contact me for more information.

All sessions are on Zoom and yes, it works on Zoom!

People who have experienced past life regression report:

  • Relaxation and connection to oneness
  • Gain clarity in current circumstances, challenges and conflicts
  • Understand fears associated with past life trauma
  • Understand and release past life wounds connected to physical challenges
  • Understand key relationships with deeper insights
  • Connect with healing and loving experiences from the past
  • Tap into past talents and abilities
  • Connect with your soul’s wisdom and life purpose
  • Release karmic patterns and debts
  • Experience life review and transcend death experience

Please read this disclaimer.

Past Life Regression is NOT psychotherapy, nor is it a substitute for psychotherapy. Past life regression is not an established psychotherapeutic intervention,  and should not be entered into by one seeking psychotherapy and should not be pursued by someone seeking psychological treatment.  

Past life regression material can be considered metaphoric, symbolic, and/or archetypal.

I understand that if I purchase a past life regression session with Davina Kotulski that this is NOT psychotherapy and I am NOT entering into a therapy relationship with Davina Kotulski.

-I understand that I will engage in a guided regression process and I understand that personal personal results will vary and there are no expressed or implied guarantees or warranties of results.


  • Do you take insurance? No, this is not therapy or a medical service. This is a spiritual regression and is private pay only. No insurance.
  • Is this a psychic reading? No, I do not tell you who you were in a past life. I guise you to connect with your past life/lives through an active regression process that allows you to recall past life memories.
  • Will I go unconscious or fall asleep? No, you do not lose consciousness. This is a light meditative state that allows you to focus your attention and awareness. You will feel very relaxed, however because I will be guiding you through the process during which we will be communicating you should be able to recall the entire experience as you will be in a relaxed, but awakened state.
  • Sessions are via Zoom video conference only at this time. Once payment is received you be will contacted to schedule your session and be sent a link for a Zoom meeting.
  • Appointment times are not flexible, so please be on time. If you are late your appointment will still end at the scheduled time so that myself and others are not inconvenienced.
  • If you miss or cancel your appointment with less than 24 hours notice you will be charged for the full session. 

Past Life Regression is not recommended:

-If you are now, or have recently, felt like hurting yourself or someone else.

-If you hear, or have ever heard, voices in your head that tell you something hurtful about yourself or to hurt others.

-If you need mental health services, please let me know that upfront and/or contact another therapist for assistance.

Book a 60 minute Private Zoom Video regression now.

Sessions are via Zoom video conference only at this time. Once payment is received you be will contacted to schedule your session and be sent a link for a Zoom meeting

I and/or my representative(s) agree to fully release and hold harmless, Davina Kotulski, from and against any and all claims or liability of whatsoever kind or arising out of or in connection with my participation in past life regression meditation.

Voluntary Testimonials from Individuals who had an individual PLR experience:

“I’ve had both in-person and telephone past life regression sessions with Davina. Both were really helpful and I got a lot out of each of them. Davina is a very calm and caring person and her voice gently soothes you into the hypnotic state for the regression. She guides you through different stages of the lives to see what the lessons are and what information is useful to you in this life. It’s an interesting experience and can be very healing. I’m looking forward to uncovering more past lives with Davina and more information that will help me to grow in this life.” — Cherry B. Los Angeles, CA

“I found my session with Davina to be very enlightening and helpful in my spiritual journey. I highly recommend her. If you are sitting on the fence about having a session, take a leap of faith. You will not be disappointed with her guidance.” –Suzanne, Oregon

“Davina changed my life! I did a virtual past life regression with her. She was able to gently guide me to the source of my blockage and let it go for good. That was my first session with her! I will have more sessions with her in the future for sure. She is also a kind and wonderful person.”– Howard, Rhode Island

“I’ve wanted to try a past life regression since reading Dr Weiss’ books but anytime I tried doing one on my own it wouldn’t work so I was hesitant. Luckily, I found Davina and signed up for a past life regression virtually. I wasn’t expecting much but came away with a lot. I witnessed a past life and learned about blocked feelings/beliefs I have in this one due to how that life was lived. It was an insightful and fascinating experience and I’m very grateful to Davina for facilitating it.” –Teresa, California

“I visited Davina after years of wanting to do a past life regression. When the day came, I was understandably nervous but after a quick chat with Davina and her calming demeanor, I felt ready for the experience.My PLR was rather emotional, but the sense of relief I felt afterward made it all worth it. I would highly recommend this for people who feel like past life experiences might be effecting them in their present life. For me there were many emotional blockages that I couldn’t understand where they had stemmed from, even after much soul searching. My PLR experience with Davina was exactly what I needed and I am thankful that I found her!” — Sara B. San Gabriel, CA