Spiritual Life Coaching

You came here to be a beneficial presence on the planet.

You’ve been successful, thrived in adversity, and accomplished so much of what you came here to do.

Now you’re ready for something new.

It’s not just more money, more status, more things.

You know you are connected to something greater.

You meditate, you read spiritual books, but you know there’s more.

You’re ready to raise your vibrational frequency.

You’re ready to live a more soulful, Spirit-guided life.

You’re ready for a personal paradigm shift.

I can help you remove resistance and live in alignment with your highest good and Spirit.

Spiritual transformation is a journey of growth and evolution.

Like the caterpillar becoming the butterfly it’s not simple, but there is an evolutionary impulse inside of you that is urging you forward to make the shift.

You might discover that not everyone around you shares this impulse, but you feel it. It’s in you!

The impulse to connect with your true self.

The impulse to grow in joy and freedom-freedom from routine, freedom from old ways of thinking.  

But those old ways of thinking are deeply ingrained.

Those messages in your head that tell you things like: you can’t do it that way,  you must be the best, you must put yourself last,  get back to work, you’re not good enough and you will fail, must be addressed first.

Those old ways of thinking can keep you from taking this journey or even make you want to turn around and abandon the journey.

I know this journey, because I’ve taken it. I am familiar with the challenges and pitfalls.

I know the path. I know the value of taking the journey and the amazing life that waits on the other side.

You want to have an amazing life that honors you.

You want to be happy, free, sharing your talents and skills in a way that you respect.

But before you can do that you have to abandon most, if not all, of the strategies that propelled you forward.

Your ego made you successful, but it can never make you happy.

In fact, it is the ego’s job to keep you believing that you are “never enough,” that you must “do more,” do it better and faster.

Your ego is a task master that drives you forward in fear.

To be truly happy and at peace you must learn to live from the soul. The soul is the way forward.

The wisdom of the soul lives in your heart.

It is a paradigm shift to live from the heart and not the head-the mind.

If you want to activate this life of joy and inner peace and you are ready for this paradigm shift, I am here to be your coach, your guide, your spiritual Sherpa.

Your journey will have its own unique signature.

I can support you as you move through the challenges of letting go of egoic ways of being and begin to listen to your heart and surrender to the wisdom of the soul.

The spiritual journey can be more challenging without council and community. I can help you with both.

I only take a select few spiritual coaching clients.

If this speaks to you, please contact me via email at Davina  AT DavinaKotulski.com and we will set up a consultation.


Davina Kotulski is a licensed Spiritual Practitioner at the Agape International Spiritual Center of New Thought Ancient Wisdom in Los Angeles with Rev. Michael Bernard Beckwith.

Davina is certified in Past Life Regression with Brian Weiss Institute.

Davina is a 7-time firewalker, has completed a 10-day silent Vipassana meditation retreat, a 4 day and night vision quest with the School of Lost Borders’ in Death Valley, attended “Way of the Shaman” seminars with Michael Harner, and has worked extensively with Native American communities.

Davina embraces Science of Mind and the principles of Law of Attraction and Law of Manifestation.